Both hands to do the mascots for the money and the luck and attract your financial stability?

Unfortunately, in our time, the financial means are no longer needed for full life support.

Magical talismans

Difficult to find a person who would like to preserve and enhance their savings. Not less important is the presence of fortune. To attract money and luck in your life, you can use remedies tested time.

As a work of magical talismans?

The history of cash mascot has its roots in the ancient slavic culture. In those times, any mysterious phenomenon explained the magic of the influence of the power of the gods. There was a series of characters, each of whom was the patron saint of god robe. Each talisman carried out a specific function. Some defended from the evil eye, others have helped to save the family, the third-party contributed to the attainment of the peaks of the creative.

Magical talismans to collect funds to be used and up to date. Some of them can be bought in specialised shops, in finished form. But for the most part with ease, are home-made. Usually to create talismans using the tools at hand. They may serve, thread, paper, coins, natural stones, etc., Considered that, to be effective, it is not a talisman, it will not bring any benefit, if the person who wears it, has no faith.

How to make a mascot with hands in the house?

Manufacturer mascot with its own forces – not only useful, but also very exciting. But you must remember that in the process of creating an amulet that no one should interfere. For this it is best to choose a quiet and secluded location. When you choose a talisman can derive from a sign of the zodiac, the mode of use of the mascot and other parameters.


For the manufacture of cash apotropaic can be used in virtually any material.

The most common are:

  • Runes;
  • Wax;
  • Coins;
  • Ouija credit;
  • Natural stones;
  • Grass;

After the mascot will be ready, it is necessary to recharge it. For this there are a lot of possible options. The essence of this process is to establish a contact between the man and his talisman. Often during the charging process involved the natural elements: fire, air, water and earth. Therefore, to spend a rite of activation of the mascot need to put it in the water, the fire, put the effects of the wind, or bury it in the ground.

After the ceremony, the mascot begins to act. But we must not forget the proper care for the thing. Must always keep the mascot in the vicinity. Difficult to help you in the career of successes, if you will be at home. It is not possible to show his assistant to outsiders. This undermines its reserves of energy.

Herbal bag

In ancient slavic culture were distributed bags full of stones or herbs. Filling of the bag chosen according to the desired result. The grass always brought tangible benefits to the man. Also, what is used to create concoctions, and brought the magic and deep meaning. And a bag of cotton or linen, in that grass shed, closed to the energy inside the apotropaic. Components to create apotropaic could be more different. But more often mixed with the following herbs:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Ginger;
  • The dry leaves of the eucalyptus;
  • The pine needles;
Herbal bag

The ingredients were taken in equal proportions. In the process of falling asleep in the bag, there was a need to read a conspiracy to attract money and think of the final goal of committing a ritual. The envelope can be further decorated with embroidery. Often on it are depicted the symbols to attract prosperity and glory. You bendavano bag wire in green color.

Keep the cash in the bag must be close to your place of work. So it will be more effective. However, this talisman is not eternal, exactly a year loses its properties. Therefore, at the end of this period the guardian needs to burn.

Mouse to the portfolio

Mouse figurine since ancient times was associated with wealth and luxury. This beast is associated with a number of interesting take, and costumes. It was thought that to see, such as mouse, drag something in the den – wealth.

The slavs ancients believed that stuff, and also particularly the following needs in the hope of seeing a rodent. In this sense of foreboding this is a logical explanation. In the house the poor of the mouse, not have lived, because it is there that they had nothing to eat. The wealthy people in the state of rest.

Black pepper

The mascot with the image of the mouse to attract the wealth and popular today. Small figures are made of wood, metal or precious stones. Keep the mascot the best in the portfolio. In some cases, you can enter in a figure in the bag. Considering that the mouse not only attracts capital, but keeps us from large expenses or theft. In addition, it is favorable to the promotion of career.

Bag with turquoise

As is known, natural stone has a lot of beneficial properties. Each of them works in a certain direction. The most effective stones in terms of attracting money, refers to the turquoise. She not only has the strongest energy, but is quite attractive decoration.

The turquoise is possible to use as decorative items jewelry. But to attract money, a much more efficient bag with turquoise. You need to find a small piece of turquoise and canvas bag color blue. Stone placed inside of the bag and read the plot. The action is necessary to produce in the growing moon.

Each day must be entered in a bag before money, and therefore large bills. Gradually, the nominal value should increase. So you must do it, until the bag is full. Then the money in the stock market it is necessary to recalculate three times, and wipe again. Tying the bag thread color blue. Keep his need in the workplace, but away from prying eyes.

Black pepper

If you plan to event, in which it will be solved the financial problem, this will help you the keeper of black pepper. These important events can be attributed to the extraction of the lottery ticket, the discussion of a big deal, etc. To create the mascot should write on a piece of paper the amount of a result should go. Then fold a piece of three times, and put in a small vase, which is pre-must be nourished lunar energy.

The mascot of the wires

After that you need to add to the content of black pepper, close the lid and place it in a secluded place. Before an important event, there is a need to shake the mascot with the left hand, thinking to get a profit.

The mascot of the wires

Very often to do cash charms are used in the normal wire. Possible variations on this theme a lot. The most common can be attributed ties, or bracelets at the wrist. As a base material are used colored wires.

The slavs ancients believed that the most magical effect, of wool or cotton thread. Thanks to its thickness, a great demand for wool.

To create a monetary of the cable you need three colors of thread-green, red and blue. The color blue symbolizes the fulfillment of his desires, green – increases the tax revenue, and the red – protects the owner of the bracelet from the possible risks. All three wires need to twist with the other tail. In some cases, the cord knotted at the ends, and use it in this way. But more often, the tips bond to each other, cutting all superfluous. Ready bracelet worn on the left wrist or left ankle

Of wire you can build a talisman. Call it money ball of wool. You need to take any banknote or coin, and a tangle of wool yarn. It follows then tie a banknote or a coin strictly in the middle a couple of times. The tip of the wire gently add. The lucky flowers is considered to be the red and the green. So the amulet promotes the conservation and improvement of money. Together with it is possible not to be afraid and impact deterioration.